Look at all these beautiful sweaters I got thrifting the other day! They are all wool and cashmere or blends of the two. Most of them have already been "felted" by accident which kind of brought a smile to my face knowing how many people this has happened to. The first time I ever "felted" a sweater was when I was in high school. I had one of my boyfriend's sweaters, a beautiful oatmeal colored v-neck cashmere that I just loved and I oh so ignorantly decided to run it through the wash. When I pulled it out of the dryer I'm sure my eyes were bugged out like a cartoon character - I truly couldn't believe what I saw! An infant sized version of that beautiful sweater that was mine but one hour ago. Even then I thought, well, maybe I can stretch it back out; uh, right, I couldn't even get my arm through the sleeve much less give it a good tug. Now I see all these beauties as victims of a fortuitous accident and dream of the crafty goodness that they will become.