In the town where my grandmother lived there were two elderly sisters, Catherine and Cornelia, that lived together in a big white turn-of-the-century home. If I remember correctly, one of them had been married but their husband had passed so they lived together to have someone to grow old with. I always found them fascinating when we would go pay them a visit with my grandmother. They always seemed to have some sort of project going on but two things stand out more in my memory. At Christmas time, they made these gorgeous ornaments by covering styrofoam balls with sequins, beads, pearl-headed pins, velvet ribbon, and other trims that I'm sure they'd been collecting forever. The other thing that I remember were the african violets that they raised in their kitchen. They probably had 60 to 70 plants on an old baker's rack rigged with some special ultra-violet lighting. Every color and variation of colors that you can imagine! I think that's where my love for african violets came from and I have always had my own little pot of violets in my kitchen windowsill. The only thing I do for them is water only from the bottom, brush fuzz and dust off their leaves with a soft paintbrush, and give them bright sunlight and they've always done well and bloomed for me. These are also where I got my inspiration for my violet pincushion :)
Some more blue for blue day:
blue flowers
I planted these last year and I can't remember what they're called. The flowers are tiny, pea-sized, and look like forget-me-nots.
blue belt in karate
My 7 year old took this picture and I really like it.
mountain lake
I get lost in all the shades of blue here.