One chilly morning before soccer,
I got to enjoy a whole flock of these little girls preening themselves in the sun on the boughs of a blue spruce.
On my bedside table:
Mind of the Raven by Bernd Heinrich
The China Study by T.Colin Campbell
To See Every Bird on Earth by Dan Koeppel
Stikky Trees: Learning to Recognize at a Glance the 15 Most Common Trees in the United States
Superfoods Rx: Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life
On board from Netflix:
All the President's Men
Latest interests:
a raw food diet
creating the perfect breakfast smoothie
On my mind:
a Halloween birthday party for my youngest
things I want to make for Christmas gifts
Quickbooks for Construction
how to use my new camera
purse organizers
something new!
Looking forward to:
weekend trip to Yellowstone
going to the World Center for Birds of Prey
receiving my first installment of Amy's Mailorder
(I can't wait to make the earflap hat!)
watching the leaves change colors
cheering for my boys at their soccer games
seeing my daughter advance so quickly in karate
the new season of CSI