The other day I was in Twin Falls at Barnes & Noble and there in the craft section was The Crafter's Companion! I quickly turned to see my contribution and got a huge smile on my face just thinking, "Wow, look at me, here I am in Barnes & Noble looking at a book with pictures of my stuff in it! Who woulda thunk?!" When I started blogging three years ago it never even crossed my mind that opportunities like that could happen so it really is quite a thrill for me. Just seeing the whole DIY/craft movement become more mainstream has been exciting so I wanted to create a book list to reflect that.
Here is a list of craft books that are either written by craft bloggers or have contributions from craft bloggers, either way they all began with a craft blog:
The Crafter's Companion edited by Anna Torborg Seventeen craft bloggers (including me) talk about their crafting life and have contributed a pattern for various craft projects along with instructions.
Softies: Simple Instructions for 25 Plush Pals by Therese Laskey This book is available for pre-order and will make it's appearance September 6th. I just know it's going to be wonderful. I've contributed a pincushion pattern in this one. For more info you can go to Terry's blog Softies Central
Pretty Little Pincushions from Lark Books Available November 1 but you can pre-order now. I have three pincushion patterns in this book. It sounds like it's going to be great.
Bend-the-Rules Sewing: The Essential Guide to a Whole New Way to Sew by Amy Karol Of course you know Ms. Angry Chicken - you can find more of her wonderfulness here.
Plush-o-Rama: Curious Creatures for Immature Adults by Lark Books Plush creators have contributed lots of fun patterns and designs for wacky creatures.
Mason-Dixon Knitting: The Curious Knitters' Guide: Stories, Patterns, Advice, Opinions, Questions, Answers, Jokes, and Pictures by Kay Gardiner and Ann Meador Shayne These ladies are two-of-a-kind to be sure - their blog is here
The Crafter Culture Handbook by Amy Spencer plus contributors
Yarn Harlot: The Secret Life of a Knitter by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee of Yarn Harlot fame
Doodle-Stitching: Fresh & Fun Embroidery for Beginners by Aimee Ray See her blog and lovely work here.
Crazy Aunt Purl's Drunk, Divorced, and Covered in Cat Hair: The True-Life Misadventures of a 30-Something Who Learned to Knit After He Split by Laurie Perry of Crazy Aunt Purl
Anticraft: Knitting, Beading, and Stitching for the Slightly Sinister by Renee Rigdon and Zabet Stewart of Anticraft.
Warm Fuzzies: 30 Sweet Felted Projects by Betz White Thanks for the heads-up on this one Anna. A great title - Betz's blog is here.
I'd be happy to add any others to this list just as long as the book began as a blog. I've also created a Listmania! list on Amazon for this one called Craft Bloggers in Books. Enjoy!