Some days I think, Why even get out of bed? Man, I just can't keep up. Lots of people ask me, How do you do it all? Single mom, three kids, homeschool, 17 pets, self-employed... The answer? I don't. The house is a mess, leaves cover the yard, email needs to be answered, appointments need to be made, writing needs to be written, sewing needs to be sewn. I like to complete things but very little that I do is ever completed. You know what I mean? As soon as the dishes are clean there are dirty ones right behind and it's the same with all the household chores and maintenance. Just finished the laundry? Look out, here comes more. The holidays are especially hard since I barely keep up on a regular day and then I hate that I feel rushed and pissy when it's supposed to be a time of reflection and thankfulness and good will toward men. Anyway, sorry to whine, I don't like to do that here - I try to keep this my happy place ;)
Good stuff coming soon....