Book: Lights of Winter by Heather Conrad
Activity: Peace Dove Ornament
Lovely illustrations by deForest Walker are the perfect complement
to this well written story about winter traditions around the world.
This book really leaves you with the sense of belonging
to a world-wide community.
Peace Dove Ornament Tutorial
• white or cream wool felt for dove
• shade of green wool felt for olive branch
• embroidery floss (I like DMC) to match your felt
• embroidery needle
• polyfill for stuffing
• 3" length of ribbon
• scissors
• template (sorry for the quality of the template -
my scanner is acting up and I had to work with a photo)
Step 1: Print out the template and cut it out.
Step 2: Using the template, cut out two pieces from the
white felt for the dove's body and one piece for the
olive branch from the green felt.
Step 3: Fold the ribbon in half and insert it between the two
felt pieces as marked on the pattern and pin in place. Make sure
it is perpendicular to the dove so it hangs straight.
Step 4: Start stitching the two dove pieces together using a
running stitch. Leave an opening at the bottom for stuffing.
Step 5: Lightly stuff with poly-fil beginning with the tip of the wing,
the tail, and the head; finish stitching and knot off.
Step 6: Stitch the middle of the olive branch to the tip of the
dove's beak with your coordinating floss.
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