The yarn ball flowers were a spur of the moment thought. Just poke the skewer into the yarn! You can always find second hand yarn at the thrift shop or use your own. They remind me of giant allium.
I love making these cozies for the glass jars I've saved. They are super quick and a good way to use up stash yarn. They can be coordinated to any room and I love the soundproofing that the cozy provides too. Here we've got a Pom glass, a pickle jar, and a pesto jar. The jars are removable so they, and the covering, can be washed.
Crochet notes: Begin by crocheting in the round to form the base. The base should be slightly smaller than the base of the jar. Once the base is the right size then stop increasing and continue crocheting until you've reached the height of the jar. Change colors when and where you want and add an edging to the top edge if you desire. The blue and green one doesn't have an edging, the other two do. I used single crochet but any stitch will work.