Not much of a how to here: find a glass plate and a glass bowl at the thrift store (or perhaps your own cabinets), make a pretty display on the plate, turn the glass bowl upside down on the plate and you're done. A beautiful display of found objects!
There's something about putting even the most mundane object under glass that turns it into a work of art. The items I've chosen are findings from one of our last outings - obsidian, agate, other pretty rocks, shells, pinecones, and a bug (possibly a cockroach?) casing. See? Even a cockroach
can be art! ;)
I meant to make a Mother's Day post but I found myself in bed for most of the weekend suffering with the flu. Then, what happens next? Come on mothers, you know. Yep, my son gets it. Luckily, so far, crossing my fingers, my other two haven't come down with it so we are on the mend. I am very behind on email so I hope you all understand and I'll be up to speed soon.