This tutorial is for Typepad but I imagine the basics are pretty similar for other blogging platforms. For my example, I'm going to be using my Crafty Crow button.
You need two things:
*the button image (or any image for that matter as long as it is the right size - my button is 120 x 120)
*the url (web address) that you want to go to when someone clicks on the button; i.e.
~ Let's begin! ~
- upload the image to the files section of your blog (click Control Panel tab then Files tab)
- where it says Upload A New File click Browse and find the image on your computer - then click Upload (I usually put the image that I am going to use on my desktop so it is easy to find.)
- after it is uploaded, find the filename (in the column to the left on the same page) and click the link icon (looks like a little chain link)
This is the url for your image - keep this window open!
- now open the Typelists tab in a new window
- click on Create A New Typelist
- in #1 choose a Link list
- in #2 choose a name for your list
- then click Create New List
- in the Title field put the url of your image (copy and paste it from the window you left open)
Now this is the trickiest part - you'll have to change the html a bit.
- remove the part show in red:
<a href="">Download CCButton2.gif (8.4K)</a>
- and change it to this (new part in blue):
<img src=
Make sure the quotes are in there because they make all the difference!
Tricky part done!
- now in the URL field put the web address that you want to go to when the image is clicked, for example:
- now click Save
This new Typelist has to be added
to your blog.
- go to your blog's Design tab and click Select Content
- click on the box next to your new Typelist and click Save Changes at the bottom
Click on Order Content if you'd like to change where the button is located on your sidebar.
Be sure to click on the button from your blog to make sure it works and you're done!
I have to assume there are other ways of doing this but this is how I do it and it works :) If any of you more experienced computer people out there have any tips please leave them in the comments! Thanks, I hope this helps someone :)