A flower chain can be made with any sturdy-stemmed flower. I used dandelions because, unfortunately, my yard is filled with them.
Materials: a pile of flowers
Tools: fingernails
Step 1: Gather your flowers; stems need to be thick enough and strong enough to hold together after making a vertical cut within the stem.
Step 2: Make a small split in the stem with your fingernails. It only needs to be big enough to slide in another flower stem. The split pictured is about one inch below the flower head but you can vary this as you please. The closer the split to the flower head then the closer together the flowers will be on the garland and the further away from the flower head then the further away the flowers will be from each other on the garland.
Step 3: Slide the stem end of another flower through the split until it stops at the flower head. You may trim off the first stem about 1/2" behind the split.
Step 4: Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until your daisy chain is the length you want or you run out of flowers.
Step 5: If you
want to make a crown then slide the very last stem through the split of
the very first flower and pull so the circle is complete. Enjoy!